Dawn Session 2: Sovereign's Reception

After arriving in the city of Ahquet, Dimitrios Pepakis will direct the players to the Ziggurat of the Sovereign in the center of the city. The players will ascend the Ziggurat and be ushered to the Throne room of Sovereign Ubar Nasir, where they will be rewarded for the delivery of the Law Keeper from Oretria (Dimitrios). The players will receive 350 GP for their work (50 GP each).

After Dimitrios is delivered, Sovereign Nasir will offer the players new work: He is short on soldiers at the moment due to conflicts with the City-State of Rumeru, but would like to have someone investigate the objects that fell from the sky several nights ago. In exchange for the object (or information on its whereabouts), Sovereign Nasir will offer the players gold and title in Ahquet.

Should the players accept, they will be given directions to where the object landed. If the players ask, the Sovereign may grant players limited access to the armory of Ahquet, where players can get one weapon and one armor piece of their choice, and they can get up to two minor healing potions.

Players will have some time to explore Ahquet, where they will encounter the other two members of the party in the city.

After the players leave Ahquet, they will make their way south along the Kiernahr River, eventually encountering a pair of ankhegs terrorizing some villagers at their farming home.
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Articles under Dawn Session 2: Sovereign's Reception

Cover image: by Owen Fulton