Dawn Session 4 Report

General Summary

The players began their session interacting with Emeric Baykal and Gammera. The players chose to purchase the Mystery Key from Emeric, Caspian traded a favor for a reduced price on the Bag of Holding, and Kriita successfully stole the Folding Boat from Emeric when he was leaving. 

In exchange for the Bag of Holding, Caspian agreed to deliver a strange, leather-wrapped box for Emeric to his contact in the village of Cholain. Caspian is currently unaware of what the box contains, and Emeric gave her strict instructions not to open the box on any circumstance. 

After leaving Emeric and Gammera, the players continued traveling along the Reza Tariq towards the intersection of the Luuminahr and the Themunahr rivers. Along the way the players encountered a troop of injured soldiers returning to Ahquet. Erebus and Caspian took time to heal them, which will likely gain them some favor in the court of the Sovereign in future. 

As the players came within a mile of the river intersection, they began to notice signs of battle. The corpses of soldiers from Ahquet and Rumeru littered the ground in a large area around the intersection of the river and the impact zone of the Numen. Kriita identified the body of a field commander from Ahquet, and managed to pluck a +1 sword and a shield of faces from his body. As Kriita scanned the horizon, she saw some strange, humanoid figures moving among the corpses (ghouls), though she did not recognize what they were. 

When the players arrived at the impact zone, Caspian and Queen Devil stayed in the cart, Erebus stayed at the outer edge of the crater, and Kriita, Zacarius, and Raveena went into the crater to inspect the impact zone. 

The trio found a large boulder of obsidian that was cleaved in half, with an exposed geode-like cavity of Residuum on the inside. The players identified that the interior space of the object would have been large enough for something or someone to fit inside. As the players took some time to remove some Residuum crystals from the object, a pair of ghouls approached the cart from behind in preparation to attack Caspian and Queen Devil. We then ended the session for the day. 

Report Date
05 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Owen Fulton