Dawn Session 4: Found & Lost

The session will begin with the players encountering Emeric Baykal and his giant turtle Gammera on the Reza Tariq  about midway between the city of Ahquet and the village of Cholain. The players may choose to purchase some of Emeric's wares. Should the players ask Emeric about conditions on the road, he will reveal to the players that the roads ahead are treacherous due to the ongoing conflict between Ahquet and Rumeru

After saying farewell to Emeric and Gammera, the players will continue along the Reza Tariq towards the intersection of the Luuminahr and the Themunahr rivers in search of the Numen. As they approach the intersection of the rivers, they will notice that a battle has taken place between the forces of Ahquet and Rumeru in this exact location. As the players make their way through the battlefield, they will encounter a group of 3-4 ghouls feasting on the corpses of the fallen soldiers. Players will fight the ghouls, and after defeating them, will discover the remnants of the Numen's meteorite. 

As the players explore the crash site of the meteorite, they will discover trace amounts of Residuum, and will also be able to determine that whatever, or whoever, may have been in the meteorite, has been taken. If the players can make a successful DC 20 survival check, they may be able to trace the direction of where the Numen may have been taken. If not, the players will have to decide whether to continue Southwestward towards Rumeru, or Northwest towards Cholain

Plot type
Major Scene
Parent Plot

Articles under Dawn Session 4: Found & Lost

Cover image: by Owen Fulton