Dawn Session 6 Report

General Summary

The players arrived in the city of Ahquet, and immediately Erebus and Zacarius began to cause trouble. After nearly getting arrested by the volunteer guard of the village by using prestidigitation to simulate arrows flying overhead, Zacarius than proceeded to tell anyone who would listen that he was responsible for the disappearance of the Numen. Out of character, we had a quick chat about making sure that player decisions were beneficial to everyone else in the party, and then resumed the game with the players following Nofre Amenset and Moul Samrin towards the temple of Luumis in the center of the village. 

The players spoke with Nofre and Moul, learning about the Numen and his activities in the village. Zacarius noticed a holy symbol of Luumis in the back of the temple, as well as the Wand of the War Mage on Nofre's belt. After speaking with Nofre and Moul, the players split up to find clues in the village. Erebus and Kevos found out that the Numen was last seen at the docks of Cholain late at night. 

Kevos, Erebus, Zacarius, and Queen Devil went to the docks and found Caspian exchanging the leather box she had retrieved from Emeric Baykal with a strange dwarf. The players found out this dwarf was Kames Anzety, and quickly learned he is a member of Cholain's underground smuggling network. With some prodding, the players discovered that the Numen had been smuggled away on a fishing boat down river towards The Whispering Deep. His next destination was the semi-submerged city of Aramore, with a final destination of the one of the cities within the Yuan-Ti Ascendancy

After finishing their conversation with Kames (and purchasing some smuggled Lagh), Erebus chose to try and sneak back into his dockside smuggling shack. After assuming a new form and returning to the shack, Erebus found it to be magically sealed. In response, Erebus used a torch to set the shack on fire, and used produce flame to burn the word "smuggler" into its side. 

Report Date
19 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Owen Fulton