Manian, also sometimes referred to as "Venisian", is the common tongue of the region of Venisiama on the continent of Idraz, and is one of the official languages of the Arimanus Sovereignty. Due to the imperialist expansion of the Sovereignty, Manian is now spoken throughout the continent of Idraz, and is the primary language of the Iron Dominion.
Language Proficiencies: If you have a proficiency score in Manian, you may make a fluency score check to understand either Elvish or Thorass with a DC of 1/2 your fluency score in Manian, rounded up. Additionally, you may make a fluency score check to understand Sylvan at 1/4 your fluency score in Manian, rounded up.
Language Proficiencies: If you have a proficiency score in Manian, you may make a fluency score check to understand either Elvish or Thorass with a DC of 1/2 your fluency score in Manian, rounded up. Additionally, you may make a fluency score check to understand Sylvan at 1/4 your fluency score in Manian, rounded up.
Root Languages
Spoken by