The Tundrentaug Syndicate is an organized group of Iron Barons and companies that operate within the Iron Dominion. Headed by the powerful Tundrentaug Family, the syndicate has immense control and influence over banking, postal services, overland transportation and communication through Tundrentaug Banking, Dryshi Overland, and Indothaar Communications. This category contains links to articles about the Tundrentaug Syndicate and its subsidiary organizations. 

For a general article on the syndicate, see Tundrentaug Syndicate.

Primary Articles

Syndicate Barons

Owned Locations

Notable Figures

  • Boskogax Legho 
  • Emreas Tundrentaug 
  • Mephuar Dryshi 
  • Nenkal Dryshi 
  • Vux Kottau 

Cover image: by Owen Fulton