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Gnomes prosper both on their own and as productive members of other societies. Nominal kings lead their own cultures, with actual governmental duties handled by a handful of ancients. Gnomes are prevalent in the eastern parts of Tellene , especially Reanaaria Bay. Their subraces include the rock gnomes ( dalgul), Mythar - deep gnomes , and forest gnomes(fulmaran) .

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Family names

Bagazi, Chivralpa, Dalfort, Galborn, Gozer, Herit, Nitanni, Piulman, Tesafel, Zarayt

Gnomes use both personal names and family names, and are unlikely to translate their surnames into human words or to adopt human surnames. Still, the practice is not too rare, and gnomish communities among larger human settlements generally use both methods, so a Faerbast Galborn might live next door to a Hreslin Whitewright. Merchant’s Tongue names tend to reflect crafts, metals or tools

Feminine names

Cainfreda, Habamel, Jandy, Lulla, Meileen, Merabal, Raxeen, Salipa, Semaneo, Vulansa

Masculine names

Banarak, Faerbast, Fulmor, Gruthal, Gultemp, Herjrast, Hreslin, Restam, Romari, Sil

Common Myths and Legends

The Myth of Creation

Gnomes have no real idea of their true origins and, interestingly, see themselves as no more entitled to rule the world than the next race. One gnomish legend tells that all the gods were born out of the untended fields when the first rains fell on Tellene. Sprouting fully-grown, the gods tried to duplicate their own origin by planting the seeds that would grow up as the plants, animals, and intelligent races. Gnomes, in this tale, are made of wood and mud from the surrounding hills, and charged with tending to the crops of new beings; they must teach the other races how to live productive lives. The gnomes are thus depicted as the special servants of the gods, the gardeners of the life-giving fields.