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Livre 1, Session 2: The plains of Thybaj Report

General Summary

As the Dead Company left the northern surrounds of Shyta-Thybaj, Darja got a feeling the day would be bad, he had a bad feeling. The group found out that the Arid month in the northern parts of Sovereign Lands was still pretty hot. Walking on the road next to the Jendasha River brought a cool breeze that everyone welcomed. The company discussed setuping a potential trap for the tracker that was following hunting Kafen Endremin, two options were identified: attack him or her on the bridge near Shadraf or wait in the Rokk Woods to use the cover of the trees to attack the tracker.

As they picked up their bags and began the trek north, the came to a tight pass where shrubbery and small trees had grown and th road passed in between. Imediately they all surounded Kafen and sent Mukli to investigate. The prince began moving to cover with Gramar Harukan. A sharp whistling was her, the Old Man only had a few seconds and deflected the attack on himself to save the prince. A large dark energy blast was released, the kownledgeable ones instantly new it was necromantic magic.

Gramar was dying on the ground. Kafen dragged the body to cover while Ash created a large area of fog to protect the prince. Raknarun ran up to the area where the arrow seemed to have orinated but could only find blood traces. Anarvis went around on his Axe-beak mount and tried to cut the retreat of the assalliant. Darja and Ash remained near the prince while Mukli positionned herself to snipe the assalliant when they would find him. After a couple near death experiences from the killer's arrows, Anarvis et Raknarun spotted him and closed down on him. Mukli used that time to shoot him and Darja ended the combat with a well placed sleep spell. The tracker was at death's door, he was disarmed, bound and dragged to Kafen. Kafen requested him to be killed immediatly for what he had done to his friends. As Raknarun began to obey, Mukli and Darja interceded to at least try to extract some information before killing him.

With some persuasive words from the Coddler cleric, the man, named Toliig told them "The Empire is finally striking back against Pekal. The others have all died like you will rebel scum." With these words, they had the information they wanted and Darja gave the go ahead for a quick death to the minotaur. Mukli searched the body to the disdain of everyone else and she found a large coin purse full of gold and a letter caked in blood and pierced by an exteremly sharp sword. The letter mentioned that Toliig was to search and kill the exiled Prince of Pekal, Kafen Endremin or find his dead body. The other members of the Big Four had the same mission and the paper was signed K.A. They quickly resumed their travels and passed the bridge to the west bank of the Jendasha River in the afternoon. Ash led them due east toward the Jenth Ridges.

The next day as they were setting up for the night along a small Jendasha River affluent, four giant goats errupted in the Company's camp, they were fleeing from something that had already mangled one of them. In the shadows, the mercenaries spotted large wolves, too large to be wolves, Ash called them Worgs and they were hunting meat. Mukly reflexively shot one of the worgs in the head and it fell to the ground as it lept. Anarvis and Raknarun positionned themselves to block the path of the goats and the wolves. Kafen and Mukli helped Gramar to backup on a large rock so they could have a better view of the scene, at that moment the old mage let out a burning fireball that took out most of the animals attacking the camp. Anarvis had a few burnt hair after this and swore at the mage to be more careful in the future.

On the third day, they entered the Jenth Ridges and followed the rivers on Ash's guidance, climing a short hill and coming back down after a few hours. That last day was uneventful.

In the morning of the 4th day, they arrived in view of Thyreth.

Rewards Granted

Shortsword +1, 1 studded leather armor, 1 longbow, 150 gp 14 days/person of ration from the Giant Goat

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Get rid of the pursuer, Toliig of the Big Four.
  • Reach Thyreth
  • Notes

    Darja got the confirmation that the Kalamaran Empire is behind the coup in Pekal, he also learned that there are 3 or 4 agents, The Big Four, searching for the dead prince.
    Whispers of adventures
    Report Date
    16 Jan 2023
    Primary Location
    Related Characters

    Cover image: by Midjourney