Kal'Ichik and the Covenant

In the deeps of time, after Kal'Ichik decided it was time for him to leave and make way for a new generation of leadership, he sat and dictated The Covenant to his followers, the patriarchs of the time. He did so with precise language and easily understood phraseology, knowing it would have to stand the test of time through an oral tradition. Many hundreds of years later, it was all written down by an enterprising scribe of Osses, goddess of the swamps of Tellus.


It has passed through legend and into myth, settling somewhere within the Taishando Lizardfolk's social consiousness as a loose code of morals.

Historical Basis

This myth is most decidedly not rooted in fact. The entire Covenant was a fabrication of several Ichik'ryu patriarchs.


This may be the most pervasive myth in Lizardfolk history.

Variations & Mutation

Some societal naysayers argue that it was Nyssa the Traveller who dictated The Covenant. These are also the people arguing that the world is flat, even though some of them have explored the known world.

Cultural Reception

Publicly this myth is met with skepticism and scorn, although deep down many lizardfolk believe some part of The Covenant to be true.

In Literature

This myth has been bandied about since the beginning of The Ichik'ryu, especially by the Ossessian, who uses it like a bard would a finely crafted lute.

In Art

The myth is referenced in every medium the Lizardfolk use to create art.
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The Ichik'ryu
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The Nyssan Jungle
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Cover image: Nyssa's Jungle


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