
An area of the Cerulean Trench that is not quite as deep as some of the other areas of the empire. It is where the city of Mezzofathom was built, and it thrives still today more than two thousand years later.


The bottom of the trench features strange geological formations, including underwater ridges, valleys, and depressions. Some of these formations are sculpted by underwater currents and play a role in shaping the trench's geography, which is further shaped and coaxed into terrain-scapes of massive scope and scale. Mezzofathom is situated at the base of the western cliff that defines the trench, amongst seaweed and coral gardens that soothe the eye and ease the tension when viewed from the safety of the city's massive ceramic domes. 


In some areas of the trench, you may encounter geological features such as hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. These are points where mineral-rich water, heated by geological activity, escapes from the Earth's crust. These features can support unique ecosystems, attracting a variety of deep-sea creatures adapted to extreme conditions.

Fauna & Flora

Despite the apparent desolation, the abyssal plain is not devoid of life. Unique species of bioluminescent organisms inhabit this realm, and their soft, glowing lights punctuate the darkness. These organisms include lanternfish, deep-sea jellies, and bioluminescent corals.

Natural Resources

The merfolk of the Cerulean Empire have developed a sustainable approach to resource extraction and management, ensuring that they maintain a harmonious relationship with their underwater environment. They prioritize responsible resource use to preserve the trench's delicate ecosystem for future generations. 


There is no tourism in the trench, it is much too inhospitable of an environment.
Alternative Name(s)
Mezzo Mezzo
Chasm, Underwater
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location