The City of Cerulo

The oldest city on the floor of The Cerulean Trench, Cerulo is the birthplace of the twins that gave rise to The Cerulean Empire. The surface layer of buildings is constructed of the impermeable Cerulean Ceramic that is so prevalent in any Cerulean endeavor. Some say the empire was built on the strength of that ceramic...indeed, the shelters and outbuildings of the Aquan city could hardly exist without it.   The depth that the city is built at can exceed fifteen thousand pounds of pressure per square inch...enough to flatten any organic life form not perfectly adapted to such a hostile environment. Yet the buildings, outbuildings, and throughways are all still perfectly functional. Not a chip, or a scratch, mars the surface of the domes built on the trench floor, even as ancient as Cerulo is.
The small city is, by far, the poorest of the five major Aquan population centers.


Cerulo is made up entirely of Merfolk. It was visited by a human, once, but The Captain is far from your standard air breather.


The government is a fascist dictatorship led by an emperor. The Ceruleans traditionally elect a senate who govern the day to day affairs of the empire, but it is always at the emperors behest and direction.


Cerulo does not have the massive defensive dome of force covering it. It is not as wealthy as the other great cities of the trench, and is not as close to the sides of the chasm as the others-meaning it is not as prone to rock fall and debris. It is, however, for what ever reason, prone to being struck by shipwrecks...hence, the booming carpentry trade.

Industry & Trade

Woodworking, metalworking, ceramic mixing and molding, resource gathering, raw material handling and storage, all types of mill work.


The city is the only one in the empire that works metal and wood, and does so in the "traditional", air-breather manner, which was taught to them millenia ago by an enigmatic surface sailor called The Captain. There is a smithy, smeltery...even a butcher shop. Pigs and goats are raised in cerulo, along with chickens and turkey. Ipomoea batatas are also grown here, and fava beans.


Each coil is its own sense of culture and fashion, but couture aside the Ceruleans act as one when threatened. 


Cerulo is by far the oldest city in the empire; indeed, it is the first city ever built on the floor of the trench.


Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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