Sub Liminal Perception-Abstract

An ancient and powerful efreeti, by the name of Gàbba Gàol, has been seeking the adulation and power of a god for more than a thousand years. In his diabolical quest for godhood and divine right to rule, Gàbba Gàol has set many plans in motion simultaneously. These machinations are varied in scope and purpose, but one of his most audacious undertakings has been the construction of a personal Guff, with which he has slowly and surreptitiously been collecting souls.   Gàbba has accomplished this using several Wish spells, a pact with a mysterious Primordial called Pandora, and a Deal with the Archdevil Mammon. These dark bargains and perverse pacts have very strict rules that must be adhered to, which are administered by a representative of Ao known only as The Proctor. These rules are absolute and totally binding, and the punishments are meted out on a cosmic scale. In this case, Gàbba Gàol would be as utterly destroyed as an immortal being could be, unable to recorporealize for a thousand and one years. He would then be at the "mercy" of the Noble Council of Efreeti for an indeterminate amount of time. Gàbba wishes to avoid this at all costs, but in his hubris either ignores or downplays the dangers in his own reckoning.   There are only five hundred souls allowed in this Guff, so to maintain the count, Gàbba has pressed an efreeti named Pròju Tto into service as the pocket dimension's enforcer, a position Gàbba calls The Gaoler. Pròju uses gangs of Fire Elementals, who masquerade as groups of skate-punk party-goers, as muscle, and will have them force a certain number of souls into The Pit to maintain the numbers properly. These souls are not fully "seasoned", as Gàbba likes to call them, as they have not yet completely lost their senses of self, and therefore have not abandoned their souls to the music and drugs. These soul larvae are more difficult for Gàbba to deal with, because they fight back while he consumes them, and he is not yet a Divine Being. This can also be a problem for him, for if the souls are uncooperative and take too long to succumb, he has no choice but to take them that way. One of the Rules, the extent of which he will disclose to no one, is that a soul can only stay for ninety days.   The souls that have been shunted to this Guff are, for the most part, members of Gàbba's cult, which calls itself The One True Church. These former cultists have completed the profane Ritual of Ascension, which is detailed in The Book of Gàol. By the end of the profane rite, the cultists have committed mass murder and mass suicide. These rituals are timed so as to maximize the number of souls in the Guff at any one time, while maintaining strict adherence to The Rules.
The creature, Pandora, is a creature of pure chaos, and the efreeti Gàbba knows it. He does not know just how multidemensional Pandora is, however, and unbeknownst to Gàbba, there are a couple of loopholes built into the system; namely, that victims of a Banishment spell scroll. These scrolls send the victim, bodily, into the pocket dimension, which can potentially hike the number of simultaneous souls over the five-hundred-soul limit.   Mammon, also, has made a crucial miscalculation, and understimated Asmodeus' sheer power, political savvy, and cash liquidity. Asmodeus is plotting an apt punishment for Mammon, which is what subsequently brought Gàbba's theft of soul larvae to his attention. He has taken no overt action as of yet, only having added a clause to Mammon's Deal with Gàbba, making it so that anyone banished by drawing the Donjon card from a Deck of Many Things is also sent bodily to the pocket dimension. Whether or not this seemingly innocuous change was the result of forethought, brilliance, prescience, or pure dumb luck, no one but Asmodeus will ever truly know.
On Janus 6, 5576NG, Lim-pang-Sse drew the Donjon card, and appeared completely naked amongst a random group of partying dancers who were new to the party. He then slipped the grasp of a gang of Skate-Punk Enforcers, and after a series of incredibly lucky escapes, has become the overlooked DJ of the dimension-wide rave. Calling himself LL DJ, Lim has begun experimenting with subsonic binaural beats and music to try to combat the effects of the drugs and music as much as possible. It has been working fairly well, although it is hard for Lim to tell, as the changes are more obvious after the souls have been fed into The Pit.   Lim has also discovered the existence of The Rules; specifically the one specifying the maximum number of souls allowed in this Guff at any one time. He has put together the timing of the mass clearing out of the old souls, and the mass import of new ones, and has even discovered that the "magic number", here in this pocket dimension, is five hundred. Lim-pang-Sse is not sure what would happen if the pocket dimension were to exceed five hundred souls, but judging by the gangs of skate-punks roaming around with those clicky, mechanical, tally counters, he has deduced that it would be devastating.
What Lim-pang-Sse Knows:

  • This is a pocket dimension, and a small one at that
  • This is not the usual fate of a person who has drawn the Donjon card
  • These souls are being exploited by an ancient efreeti named Gàbba Gàol, who is approaching Godhood
  • Only 500 souls at a time are allowed in this pocket dimension
  • The efreeti has a rotating group of 490 souls, that are refreshed on a rather tight monthly schedule
  • He has discovered that he, and others like him, who have come here under the auspices of forces other than The One True Church's Ritual of Ascension, are not part of the official count
  • The security gangs are Fire Elementals that are Altered to look and seem like teenaged human skate-punks
  • The main Enforcer is an efreeti named Pròju Tto, who has somehow caught wind of Lim, but has yet to find him 
  • Lim also knows he, and others like him, are still in possession of their own souls. He is aware of at least one other soul that is bodily here in this pocket dimension
  • Once he sees the party, he will have the idea of (somehow) drawing the attention of whoever enforces the rules of this pocket dimension, possibly not only escaping this cloyingly claustrophobic Plane of Existence, but perhaps destroying its creator, Gàbba Gàol, in the process
  The adventuring party, after some RP and conversation with Asmodeus, will appear in the Pocket Dimension. How well they are prepared is entirely up to them.

Cover image: Lim-Pang-Sse Banner


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