Sub Liminal Perception-Introduction


Lim-pang Sse, a monster hunter and doctor of archeological studies from the volcanic islands around Teotachetlan and the archipelagos of the ancient Tolmec Empire, drew the dreaded Donjon card from the Deck of Many Things! An enthusiastic scholar who seeks understanding, sometimes to a fault, Lim is a fighter, not a warrior, and perfectly able to understand the distinction.
  In his diabolical quest for godhood and divine right to rule, Gàbba Gàol has set many plans in motion simultaneously. These machinations are varied in scope and purpose, but one of his most audacious undertakings has been the construction of a personal Guff, with which he has slowly and surreptitiously been collecting souls.   These souls arrive in Gàbba's pocket dimension at the culmination of one of The One True Church's rituals, which ends in the mass suicide of many of the cultists simultaneously. It is called the Ritual of Ascension, and is a profane and wicked ceremony.   The pocket dimension, called "D1" by it's creator, has been designed especially for Gàbba Gàol's purposes. The souls are held in the dimension for thirty days, during a phase that Gàbba calls 'seasoning'. They are drugged environmentally and magically, then herded into 'The Pit', which tears away the soul's sentience, self, and any lingering memories. The pit combines all of this into a viscous, golden liquid, that drips slowly into glass-lined, oaken barrels, in a vault and store house Gàbba calles 'The Treasury'. Gàbba has a luxuriant suite of apartments at The Treasury, and has been spending more and more of his time there as the years go on.

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