The Empire

The Empire was founded in the wake of the Law of Levels' creation. The leader, a human named Foldan, was one of the very first to hit level 10 as a wizard. Already the head of a small city-state Foldan used his significant power and magic to unite the neighboring principalities under his banner.   The empire ruled the entire western half of the western continent during it's reign, with it's capitol, uniquely named "The Capitol" sitting on the inner most edge of the skyward sea. Their territory included the current 9 families, belvalli, and orc lands. It also included a significant amount of current southern nomad territory that is on the northern side of the sea, but this fact has been successfully hidden by nomads.

Public Agenda

They were fairly clear about their plans for world domination.


The leader, Foldan, was 20th level Necromancer Wizard towards the end. He had access to epic level spells that effectively made him immortal, allowing him to rule the empire for over 500 years. However, this magic required upkeep, and Foldan lived in fear of his immortality being stripped by one of the gods or another great caster.   He eventually developed a spell to attempt to elevate himself not just to godhood, but above the gods. His hubris was such that he didn't even assume to be at the level of a lowly ruler god. He wished to rule solely over his own creation, and he attempted the creation of a crystal sphere.   Whether or not Foldan was successful is unknown, but the gods were furious and wiped all memory of him and much of the details of his empire from the minds of Teln's inhabitants. The Capitol was left a ruin and it's inhabitants were erased from existence. The world's inhabitants have attempted to figure out what they can about the empire, but there's very little information left to work with.

3 AL - 550 AL

Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area