Belvalli Kingdom

The Belvalli rose out of the remnants of the major imperial mountain cities. They survived in the early days after the imperial collapse by raiding the capitol in the first organized manner. They are led by a man who claims to have been a former servant of the emperor who was on a different plane during the fall. This claim isn't unheard of, but few have as much knowledge of the former empire as the Belvalli king claims to. However, he keeps this information close to the chest and only uses it for the advancement of his kingdom.    And advance it he has, for despite the Belvalli occupying the least arable land of any independent polity in Teln they have the largest standing army and largest cash base of any nation. How exactly they accomplish this is unknown, but most attribute it to intimate knowledge of the ruins which they first grew their cities in. These ruins supposedly held riches that first bankrolled the Belvalli after the collapse, and they used this initial capitol to establish business relations with both the nomads and the dwarves beneath the western mountains.    The Belvalli are one of the oldest countries on the western continent, technically only outlived by the nomads. However, due to the secrecy of the nomad government, most regard the Belvalli as the oldest surface dwelling nation. There are some dwarf tribes that claim a longer lineage since the empire never occupied the undermountains, but even these are disputed.


Traditional fuedal monarchy


The Belvalli are heavily militarized, but mostly as a precaution. Very few Belvalli have actually seen combat, and the few that have do not refer to the glory of battle, but rather the horrors of war. For all it's blustering, the Belvalli have been threatening war against the Orcs practically since the Hegemony's inception and have yet to make any move that wasn't defensive or reactionary in nature.   They have a habit of diplomacy and economic alliances.   The Belvalli have a distinct bias against orcs which originated with the king for reasons that he has not shared beyond further anti-orc propaganda.

From the ashes

Founding Date
552 AL
Geopolitical, Country
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Imperial Gold
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations