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Darsun Kingdoms

The unified might of the Darsun'dem, the Diamond Legion, is no more. The last Ger-Ricar (War-King), Rarsand Bloodaxe Cras’Tirgral Gors’Thrumsul, died in 1484. When he died and made a point of naming no heir, saying that each of his War-Dukes (Ger-Cahars) is unworthy of the title. In response, each declared themselves King, now ruling their own kingdoms cast in their own visions.   The rule of Ger-Ricar is himself was not exactly legitimate. That power was codified during the Brimstone War, the dwarves’ war with the Efreeti. The last true King, Garson Diamondhammer Cras’Inkarha Gors’Darsun'dem, had agreed to place control of the Kingdom into the hand of the Ger-Shahar (War-General) Orvak Cras’Karzek Gors’Crighoren. After the fall of the Efreet Hishem El at the battle of Sar’cahoren in 962, Dwarven elders insisted that Orvak return to his position and that new Kingmaker Trials should begin to declare the new true King. The Orvak decided that defeating Hishem El was validation from Duchar himself of his worthiness as King, and that the elders could not find a more convincing trial if they tried.   The Brimstone War raged for 500 more years, finally ending with the closure of the gate at Fars’an Hakar in 1471. Peace did not last, however. For ten generations, the Efreet and their minions had taken captives from the dwarves, soldiers were left behind in dwarven offensives, and those poor souls were warped by their mistreatment at the hands of the efreeti minions and the oppressive power of the fire plane itself. These dwarves became the In’dars, and when the efreeti returned them to the Crag’scimtar, they were all too happy to revisit their pain upon the dwarves who had abandoned them to their fate.

Alternative Name(s)
Darsun'dem, the Old Kingdom, the Diamond Kingdom

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