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Kingdom of Thrumsul

Tezrak Giantslayer Cras’Dorus Gors’Thrumsul was Rarsand’s favorite Ger-Cahar. Rarsand might have even named him the new Ger-Ricar, had Tezak not given himself so completely to the Church of Duchar. Rarsand was faithful, but he firmly believed that the church was good because it was an asset for the army, while Tezrak believed that the army was good because it served the needs of the church. Rarsand was not going to let the church decide the future of the Darsundim.   Tezrak decided that he would continue as if he were named Ger-Ricar, and named five new Ger-Cahars to run his army. He also decided that to rally his subjects to take up arms against the cowards, traitors and deserters of the other kingdoms, Duchar needed to become central to kingdom. Tezrak declared himself High-Pontiff of the Church of Duchar, and ordered that the church and army be made into one indivisible force.   Shortly after Tezrak had begun his invasion of the Rasmussen kingdom (in what was dubbed the “Crusade to Unify and Reforge”), the In’dars emerged from the fire plane, and the Second Brimstone War began. The invasion of the In’dars took everyone by surprise, and the vengeance of the forsaken Dwarves was swift and brutal. Before Tezrak could reposition his troops to repel the invasion, Starnhald Thrumsul had fallen. The Thrumsul army stymied the advance, but were unable to dislodge the firekin from the fortifications around Starnhald Thrumsul. The two forces stand at stalemate, but how long can the Thrumsul fight the In’dars, the aggressive Feldcroghten and the looming threat of the Rassmussen?


Tezrak is the Pontiff King , supreme commander of the military and Duchar’s representative on Temnia. Tezrak has merged the Church of Duchar with the Diamond Legion, requiring that all standard military be formally inducted into the church hierarchy. Members of the newly dubbed Duchar’s Legion hold a combined rank from the highest Cardinal Generals down to the lowliest Acolyte Footmen.   Those who are part of the laity are expected to take up arms when they are called upon. The Rit’amand is a grueling physical challenge befitting one destined to be thrown into the frontlines of a fight for survival. Those who fail are not spared their duties, but subject to the mockery and derision of their betters, which only gets worse with each failed attempt. The treatment is so poor that some choose the relative honor of dying in the Rat’amand than living on as a failure.   Combat skills are constantly drilled and trained, a part of the daily Duchari services held in Thrumsul. Criers in the town spread propaganda about the deniers, the heretics and the enemies of Duchar. An air of paranoia lays thick over the entire Kingdom. The only person who knows freedom in Thrumsul is the King, and even he is bound to both the will of Duchar and to the duty of protecting his Kingdom.

Thrumsul Flag

  • Government: Holy Military Kingdom.
  • Terrain: [Text pending]
  • Area: ????
  • Capital: Starnhald Bgharric
  • Other major settlements:
    • Starnhald Rhor (??,???)
  • Religion: Duchar.
  • Imports: [Text Pending]
  • Exports: [Text Pending]
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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