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Crystal Balls

The children born into the Cult of He Who Does Not Sleep are given a Crystal Ball when they are first brought to the church. This is enchanted to show the life events of that specific child, usually only giving hazy glimpses so as not to allow for people to avoid things like dangerous events.  For those who join the Cult of He Who Does Not Sleep as adults, they are usually given a Crystal Ball as well, but it is not expected they will achieve as much success with it as those born into Fate settlements.   The child as a youth will practice divination with this crystal ball to practice observing their God's timeline.   Some children are able to innately see lives outside of their own in the crystal ball, and have more clear visions. This is how The Cult of He Who Does Not Sleep finds their Paladins.   The Crystal Ball is expected to be highly protected for the life of the member of the cult. It is expensive to replace and often involved in religious ceremonies. In Particular, at Marriages it is customary for the couple to exchange the Crystal Balls to symbollicly give their life and future to their partner. It is also used in funerals, with the Crystal Ball placed in front of the gravestone so a loved one could look back on the person's life.   In some cases, those leaving the Cult of He Who Does Not Sleep have been known to either abandon their Crystal Balls somewhere, or destroy them in some way, in order to symbolically break ties with He Who Does Not Sleep. This is likely in defiance of the way that many of the more devout of He Who Does Not Sleep's followers will wear the Crystal Ball on their clothing.


The practice of gifting Children Crystal Balls for divination seems to have been a development from after the Sleeping. Some scholars point to a tale from a legend around Starstrip Night where a man gifted a previously presentless child a small glass ball among other trinkets and discovering it to be a Young Fate in disguise, who gave him many blessings.


Given close to a person's birth within the cult of He Who Does Not Sleep (Or their converting if they're an adult convert) and carried as a prized relgious symbol for their whole lifetime. Exchanged as part of the traditional wedding ceremony in Fate cults. Typically placed upon a cultist's gravestone upon death.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Subtype / Model
Common within the Fate Cults. Usually expensive elsewhere.
Raw materials & Components
Depending on the wealth of a person's family, the material can range from true crystals to glass. But traditionally it is expected to at least be a high quality glass.


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