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Queen of The Chromatics. Tiamat

The Chromatic, Five Headed Queen of Dragons Tiamat.   Tiamat has five heads, each of differing colours, white, red, blue, green and black. She is larger than other dragons, so large it seems unfeasable that she could fly, she does so anyway. Occasionally, Tiamat will take the form of a single headed dragon or a Dragonborn, usually of the red colouration. It seems when she does this, whichever colour Dragon she is influences her personality.   She was banished to the Hells following the second war against the Gods where she allied with the Devils in an attempt to wipe out the Gods in vengence for her murdered lover.   She was once in a relationship with Bahamet, Platinum Dragon, and Sardior the Ruby Dragon. It was the taking of Sardior by the Goddess of Death that started the second war.   Despite their earlier relationship, ever since the Second Godly War, Tiamat and Bahamet have been bitter enemies, causing the schism between Chromatic and Metalic Dragons.   She is the mother of many dragons, and ancestor of all Chromatic dragons. Her daughter, Fury, Dragon Queen of Hell, as the other major Draconic Figure in the Abyssal Hells often finds herself at her mother's throat. Dragons in general are instinctively Territorial, and Tiamat considers all of the Abyssal Hells under her territory. In spite of their constant territory battles, the two also find themselves allies, usually against Asmodeus, King of the Hells.   Another of Tiamat's children is currently known as The Master of Shadows, operating within the Shadowfell. Little else is known about him.   Like most forces of the Abyssal Hells Tiamat mostly opperates around Seculas, previously targetting a series of monestaries by an army aiming to free her from the Hells. Though many of her chromatic decendants live in Tempricida, and may aim to help her have power there too.   While Tiamat and Asmodeus have a mutual hatred for the Gods, she is too proud of her status as a Dragon to bow to his desires and acknowledge him as King.   Despite siding with Asmodeus in the Second Godly War and desire for revenge, Tiamat seems to still feel positively about She Who Forged The Stars, Tiamat is said to have been directly created by Space. By the time of Planelock, however, Space and her no longer seemed to have contact.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A gigantic, imposing dragon, her five heads are all constantly either fighting themselves or whoever has displeased Tiamat.   She is Physically powerful enough that there is little she's unable to bite through, her breath weapons are stronger than any other Chromatic Dragon.   As a Dragonborn she is often described as beautiful, firmly muscled with brightly burning eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tiamat, Bahamet and Sardior were made by Space, She Who Forged The Stars as some of the earliest creatures placed within The Draconic Plane.   The three seemed to be intended as a trio of partners and were incredibly close and were the source of at least most dragons.   Eventually the three dragons mostly settled within Seculas. Despite the territorial nature of Dragons, most tales suggest the three were comfortable sharing one, albiet several country spanning, territory.   The legends of the Second Godly War tend to agree that it began with the death of Sardior at the hands of The Goddess of Death. Tiamat, struck with grief and craving vengence demanded to be allowed to kill the Goddess in turn. This eventually lead to Tiamat declaring war with the Gods and assisting Asmodeus and the other Arch-Devils in escaping to fight the Gods alongside her.   Bahamet aimed to achieve a peaceful resolution, hoping for the Gods to allow some form of justice if the dragons established their grief. As a result, the two ended up fighting one another on opposing sides of the war. As a result the schism between the two was formed and has been maintained to the current day.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Queen of the Chromatic Dragons, in countries like Seculas she has her own cult following. Her children are amongst the most powerful creatures within The Draconic Planes, spreading out into the Outer Planes.   The Chromatic of her children often revere her and speak positively of how she fights for them.

Failures & Embarrassments

The Second Godly War, a failure that resulted in her being banished with the rest of the Arch-Devils to the Abyssal Hells.   The loss of Sardior.

Mental Trauma

The death of Sardior seems to have pushed Tiamat to being even more harsh and violent than she was said to be once before. She is quick to anger and quicker the vengance.

Intellectual Characteristics

Cunning and threatening, despite her violent nature and often cold and biting personality, she is a skilled leader and often can be incredibly charismatic.

Morality & Philosophy

Tiamat is firmly a believer in 'An Eye For An Eye' although sometimes has also been known to teach her followers that 'It's better to take both eyes first'   While Tiamat is supposedly said to be cruel and fierce, many of her direct children claim she is also very protective of her young.   Chromatic Dragons are surprisingly most commonly the kind to care for Draconic Nurseries and many claim this was once a trait taught by Tiamat herself.


Bahamet, Platinum Dragon

Ex-Spouse (Vital)

Towards Tiamat



Ex-Spouse (Vital)

Towards Bahamet, Platinum Dragon



The Platinum Dragon and Chromatic Queen of Dragons were once two of three lovers. They are the progeneters of most Chromatic and Metallic Dragons.   They have been enemies since the Second Godly War due to their differing reaction to the death of the Ruby Dragon.


Mother (Important)

Towards Fury, Dragon Queen of Hell


Fury, Dragon Queen of Hell

Daughter (Important)

Towards Tiamat



Mother and Daughter both bound in the Hells.   The two have a complex relationship who are allies as much as they are enemies. Their territories often overlap, causing instinctive battles. But as a Chromatic Daughter of Tiamat, Fury has a lot of respect for her mother and will not stand for disrespect against her.


Ex-Ally/Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Asmodeus, King Of The Hells


Asmodeus, King Of The Hells

Ex-Ally/Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Tiamat




Asmodeus and Fury have been Allies in the past. She first allied with him to help fight the Gods. However, as the second Godly War ended in another defeat and Tiamat being banished to the Hells and since then they have been enemies just like the rest of the most powerful forces in the Hells.



Towards She Who Forged The Stars/Space


She Who Forged The Stars/Space


Towards Tiamat


Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Scales of the Five Colours of The Chromatic Dragons.


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