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She Who Forged The Stars/Space

She Who Forged The Stars Space

Space, She Who Forged The Stars: Deorum Obdormiet   Space, She Who Forged The Stars is The Goddess of Space, said to have created the world and the stars and the rest of the universe. Often portrayed as a young woman with some depiction of Oaria on her person. She is the Sister of Fate, He Who Does Not Sleep, but that did not spare her from the Sleeping.   Space is considered a Goddess of Creation, many worshipping her as having created life itself alongside her more primary titles. Ironically, there are also many scriptures and scholars presenting the idea that Space did not intend for life, or certainly not as much of it to exist as there is, that having been a side effect of her brother setting the universe in motion.   Some life at least seems to have been Space's design. She is often said to have created the original trio of Dragons and been the one to name the Draconic Plane.   While Space is portrayed beautiful, she is also said to be childlike in her ways, creating as a form of play and having no interest in marriage or alliances with Gods outside her family.   There are those in Continuum who worship both Space and Time still as Twin Gods who should be worshipped as a duo despite Fate having betrayed Space with The Sleeping. Usually claiming that Space's sleep was an unfortunate necessity and when she reawakens she will join Fate as the Gods that rule over the world as equals once more.   Space, She Who Forged the Stars: Deorum Expergiscere   Space was worshipped alongside Time, typically as part of the worship of their older sibling, Matter, He Who Plays With Particles.   Space was portrayed as a young child, with Oaria in her hair, tied into buns to resemble planets.   Matter would collect the particles of his domain required to create everything in the universe from the destruction wrought by Time and bring them to Space to continue forging stars and planets and other celestial bodies.   Space's relationship to Time was that of a God who wished to create a permanantly beautiful, yet stagnent universe, and her brother, who would send everything spinning and moving until the original design was destroyed. In spite of this disconnect between the two, Space and Time were still said to be close and many tales exist of Space crafting gifts specifically for Time.   In older writings on Starstrip Night, The Goddess Space is put forward by Father Celestial as an example of a 'Good Child' who spends Starstrip Night being lavished with gifts and care to celebrate the good deeds they have done throughout the year.   In depictions of The First Godly War and Second Godly War she is said to have been secluded from the fighting by Matter and her Celestials. It is unknown how much she knew about the death of Sardior, though there are murals depicting her crying with the ruby shards left behind by his death.   Once her and Fate were worshipped as a pair of Twin Gods. Now, like all the other Gods, the God of Space sleeps far away from her people's reach.   Some say her betrayal hit hardest. Some say her and Fate never got along anyway.  

Divine Domains

Space, Creation, Life.


The Nebulas Astrolobe, created by Space to represent the planets in the world Tempricida is within's Solar System.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The worshippers of Space have a tattoo on their right arm depicting a representation of the planetary alignment at the time of their birth. Representing their place in Space's wide cosmos.


Red Sky Day, A day where the sky turns red due to the alignment of stars and celestial bodies, this event is said to commemorate the birth of Space and her brother Fate. The red is admired by the followers of the religion and the day is expected to be commemorate with outdoor parties to appreciate the sky's colouration.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Unlike her brother, Fate, there is no evidence to suggest Space was formerly worshipped as a Male God. Even the earliest Matter texts call her a Goddess.


There are no known myths portraying Space with attraction to others.  There is, however, a myth where the Goddess Matri attempted to find a partner for Space only for the Goddess to lock herself away in the Forge and refuse to allow entry to anyone except her siblings.


She Who Forged The Stars/Space

Sister God (Vital)

Towards He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate



He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate

Brother God (Vital)

Towards She Who Forged The Stars/Space




Sibling Gods once worshipped side by Side. When Fate helped the people put the other Gods to sleep it is said by some his betrayal of Space was the most intense, several shared artifacts of theirs have since been lost, perhaps to indicate the Goddess' upset with her brother.   Those in Continuum still worship the two alongside one another.

Relationship Reasoning

Born at the start of the universe together. Worshipped as minor deities by worshippers of The God of Matter. Worshipped alongside each other by those in Continuum.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are Gods, their relationship was such that She Who Forged The Stars would create the celestial bodies, while He Who Set The Stars In Motion was the one who had time act upon them, causing life but also death and breakages.

The God of Matter/ The One Who Plays With Particles

S̷̢̢̪͇̜̲̳̮̿͂͛̂̄̔͛̔̆̈́͌̊̎͒̐͗̚͝ͅi̸̡̧̛̤̙̤͔̳͎̠̯͍̠͈̻̪͓͌̉̋̋̅̎̈́̊͌̔̈̀̕b̸̧̩̘̝̬̫͈̾͊͛̓̎̈̄͑l̷͙͙̘̞̪̼͉̝͔͇̲͑͜ì̸̧̢̹͉͍͓͍̞̭̇̎̍͊͊̾̑̅̀̏̌͊̍̎̐̽̕͘n̷̼̱̮̳͔̜̮̯̤̫͉̬͈̘͑͗̒͋̈̇̈̊̀̾͘̚̚͠g̸̢̧̢͇̝̮̻̱͎̝͍̲͓̬̫̞̏̍͐̒́͑̉̋̾ (Trivial)

Towards She Who Forged The Stars/Space



She Who Forged The Stars/Space

S̷̢̢̪͇̜̲̳̮̿͂͛̂̄̔͛̔̆̈́͌̊̎͒̐͗̚͝ͅi̸̡̧̛̤̙̤͔̳͎̠̯͍̠͈̻̪͓͌̉̋̋̅̎̈́̊͌̔̈̀̕b̸̧̩̘̝̬̫͈̾͊͛̓̎̈̄͑l̷͙͙̘̞̪̼͉̝͔͇̲͑͜ì̸̧̢̹͉͍͓͍̞̭̇̎̍͊͊̾̑̅̀̏̌͊̍̎̐̽̕͘n̷̼̱̮̳͔̜̮̯̤̫͉̬͈̘͑͗̒͋̈̇̈̊̀̾͘̚̚͠g̸̢̧̢͇̝̮̻̱͎̝͍̲͓̬̫̞̏̍͐̒́͑̉̋̾ (Vital)

Towards The God of Matter/ The One Who Plays With Particles



Bahamet, Platinum Dragon


Towards She Who Forged The Stars/Space


She Who Forged The Stars/Space


Towards Bahamet, Platinum Dragon




Towards She Who Forged The Stars/Space


She Who Forged The Stars/Space


Towards Tiamat


The One Reborn/The God of Nature

Fellow God

Towards She Who Forged The Stars/Space


She Who Forged The Stars/Space

Fellow God

Towards The One Reborn/The God of Nature



The Goddess of Space was one of the youngest Gods, thus she originally enjoyed much of The One Reborn's more gentle and caring side as one of the 'Little Godcubs' he assisted in the care of. Her smaller appearance and quite personality was something he both found endearing but also later would attempt to hunt out of her.

Divine Classification
Current Status
Current Location
Unknown, often portrayed quite young.
The God of Matter/ The One Who Plays With Particles (S̷̢̢̪͇̜̲̳̮̿͂͛̂̄̔͛̔̆̈́͌̊̎͒̐͗̚͝ͅi̸̡̧̛̤̙̤͔̳͎̠̯͍̠͈̻̪͓͌̉̋̋̅̎̈́̊͌̔̈̀̕b̸̧̩̘̝̬̫͈̾͊͛̓̎̈̄͑l̷͙͙̘̞̪̼͉̝͔͇̲͑͜ì̸̧̢̹͉͍͓͍̞̭̇̎̍͊͊̾̑̅̀̏̌͊̍̎̐̽̕͘n̷̼̱̮̳͔̜̮̯̤̫͉̬͈̘͑͗̒͋̈̇̈̊̀̾͘̚̚͠g̸̢̧̢͇̝̮̻̱͎̝͍̲͓̬̫̞̏̍͐̒́͑̉̋̾)
Galaxy colours, tied into buns surrounded by depictions of Oaria.
Goddess to those who worship She Who Forged The Stars.
Ruled Locations


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