Frederick Whyne

Ser Frederick Whyne is a knight of House Whyne of Redwood and is the second born son of Lucion Whyne. He serves as castellan of Bronzegate for the Lady Alyn Moore. He has two legitmized bastards, his son, Luke Whyne , and daughter, Amelia Whyne.  

Appearance and Character

  Frederick is broad shouldered, muscled, and strong. He has short dark brown hair, and beard shaped around his jawline with a thick moustache. He wears fine plate mail and carries a longsword. For clothing he wears leather garments over chainmail. He does not fight in tournaments. For a horse he rides a large brown destrier.   Frederick came from a home with thirteen siblings. He was the third eldest, and took on a parental role for his siblings. He is a serious and unwavering soldier, who is dutiful and mindful. Though some of his siblings consider him lustful, and he may have a livelier side that he doesn't often show.


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