House Whyne of Redwood

House Whyne of Redwood or House Whyne of Whyne, is the name for the primary family of the Whynes. There are two cadet branches, the Whynes of Redcastle , and the Whynes of the Rune . They have historically been rivals of House Redwood and have since unseated the Redwoods and taken full control over the forest. The head of the house is Lord Lucion Whyne.   House Whyne is a vassal house of House Moore of Bronzegate. Lord Lucion Whyne swore allegiance to Lady Alyn Moore after she promised him support when he claimed the Redwood from House Redwood. House Whyne has become much more powerful because of this alliance, expanding their domain and income.   They blazon their coat of arms with three black castles on red, over a field of red doves on black. House Whyne has always used the red dove as their sigil but after removing House Redwood from Redcastle, and acquiring the Rune by marriage, House Whyne has three castles under their name and have displayed in on their banner. Their motto is "Hear Our Song".  


  The founders and old members of House Whyne were sun elves, sporting golden hair, eyes, and skin. But after Luke the Fox married into the Whynes they can be well recognized by their well built frames, broad shoulders, dark brown hair, warm brown eyes, and strong square jaws.   The Whynes are also known to be hardy, strong, and fecund, making them excellent marriage options.  


  House Whyne was founded around the time Elenwynn the Great annexed the Diamond Isles. The Whynes of the Elven Empire were a wealthy mercantile and wine family. Their famous Sunwhyne can be found everywhere. They hoped building along the Goodwater of Majik would help them ship their wine worldwide.   They frequently fought between another elven family, House Redwood, over the forest and the lands that surrounded it. House Whyne had little success, leading to the Forest being named The Redwood. The Whynes stayed loyal to Elenwynn, while the Redwoods defected to Odgrub the Iceblade. The Whynes were forced into submission by their rivals.   When the Iceblade Empire fell, the Whynes were dwindling. One of their only remaining members, Helwynn Whyne, was at the head of their house. Two of her cousins were hostages at Redcastle, and House Redwood had infiltrated the courts at Castle Whyne. She was manipulated by the Redwoods until she became enamoured by a singer called Luke the Fox. The two were married, Luke taking her name, and through Luke's guidance she turned against her courtiers and advisors, and begun to rebuild the strength of House Whyne. The two of them would have three children, Lucion, Triston, and Lorra. Years later, Helwynn would be poisoned at a feast. Her husband and children swore vengeance on House Redwood.   When Lucion Whyne, the son of Luke Whyne and Helwynn Whyne, became the head of his family, Lucion and his brother, Triston, would enact their vengeance upon House Redwood. In 459 they pledged alligience to House Moore of Bronzegate, gaining their support in the battles to come. They attacked the Redcastle at night with no warning. Lucion himself would cut down four members of House Redwood with Redbeak Lord Tyrell Redwood's only son and heir, his brother, and two of his cousins. Triston would take three arrows to the shoudler and chest, but would survive. The family of House Redwood would be put to the sword, sparing only the children and women. Wives of other houses belonging to the deceased members of the Redwoods would be sent back to their homes, along with their dowry. The only remaining members of House Redwood were Elora Redwood, with her son Maron, and two of her child cousins, Lenna and Mya. Elora would be forced to relinquish her lands to the Whynes. Redcastle would be given to Tristan Whyne, and the Redwoods would be banished from their holdings. When Elora went to Alumyth to ask for the king's intervention, the king dismissed her whilst drinking a glass of Sunwhyne.   The acquisition of the Redwood's holdings and House Moore as their overlord's have given them much influence, wealth, and power across Majik. They acquired their third castle, the Rune, after the Three Days War. When Lucion broke the siege of the Rune, he would quickly marry one of his young sons to the last remaining member of House Rose . The marriage would allow Lucion to absorb the castle into his domain. The Rune has allowed the Whynes open trade with Frode the Stranger, who brought many of Nordheim's goods through his own ports. Lucion would then built a new set of road's, leading from Godspool, to Bronzegate, and stopping at Castle Whyne. They would be called the Bronzeway, though most people refer to them as the Whyneroads. Whyneroad is actually the name of one of the prominent merchant and trading towns built along the Bronzeway on the River Darry. It has also brought the Whynes a fair bit of wealth.   As of 481, House Whyne is one of the more influential and sucessful houses in Majik. Their wine can be found in almost every court. Their connection to House Moore, the Goodwater and Blessing, and the Nords, have made them one of the more powerful and wealthy trading families in Majik. Lord Lucion Whyne has had thirteen children. Ser Frederick Whyne is the castellan at Bronzegate for Alyn Moore.
Coat of Arms
Three Black Castles on Red, over a field of Red Doves on Black
Hear Our Song
Castle Whyne
Lucion Whyne
Lyonel Whyne
Ancestral Weapon
Cadet Braches
House Whyne of Redcastle
House Whyne of the Rune
Family Leader


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