Gareth Cayn

Lord Gareth Cayn was the Lord of Greenstone during the reigns of King Arthur and King Quellion II Ottez. He married twice, his first wife giving him only stillborns, his second wife born him Desmond Cayn, Meryn Cayn. He had a bastard son, Magnus Vein.  

Appearance and Character

Gareth had long stringy white hair and a beard that reached his chest. He wore spiked blackiron armour and a yellow kilt.   Gareth was an impatient and volatile man. He had an explosive temper, and would take offense at the slightest notion of insult. He was a harsh lord, and a cruel father. When his son, Desmond, complained of not being able to breathe, Gareth ran his son until he almost died. His other son, Meryn, was terrified of rats. He locked Meryn in the cellar and would not let him up until he had killed a rat with his own hands.
383 AGW 425 AGW 42 years old


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