Desmond Cayn

Lord Desmond Cayn is the Lord of Greenstone and the head of House Cayn of Greenstone. He was the master of Laws for Quellion II Ottez before retiring due to health problems and out of frustration. He is a widower of Merilla Cayn, and has had six children.  

Appearance and Character

  Desmond is tall, skinny, and ancient. He has a long white beard, and thin long hair. In his youth he was considered an imposing man, with a strong code of ethics. He had always suffered from wheezing and weak lungs, in his age it has worsened. He wears a pair of seeing glass spectacles that rest on his long sharp nose. He wears fine silk robes. He is carried around in a gold and white litter. He is closely monitored by a team of clerics.   Desmond was always a calm and collected man. He is well read and incredibly intelligent, but old age has made his mind begin to fog. He is a shrewd and capable lord, and was well suited for his tenured position at court. His law reforms are still used today. He fought with King Quellion II Ottez and Aerentis the Ironhand after the Majiki Tiefling Uprising about banning the use of slaves within the mines of Majik. He despises Bordo Grimpie.  


  Desmond was born the first son of Lord Gareth Cayn's second wife. As a child, Desmond was a plump boy, and his father would constantly berate him, forcing him to run despite Desmond being born with weak lungs. When Desmond's brother, Meryn was born, Gareth began to see Desmond as a lost cause and put his attention on Meryn. He sent Desmond to the Royal Universtiy, hoping he would choose to join The Ældars, giving up his name so that Meryn would be his heir. Desmond found solace in Alumyth, and began an interest in the politics of the realm. He would frequently visit the royal court. King Quellion II Ottez noticed this and made Desmond his page.   Desmond would return to Greenstone after his father was found dead in the shallows of the River Morgan in the year 425. It's believed he suffered a heart attack whilst riding on horseback. He would marry Merilla Pillager a year later, and have his first son Desmond Cayn in 426 AGW. He orchestrated the wedding between his brother, Meryn Cayn and Marget Ullhorn, the lady of Northpass, and secured the castle as a Cayn hold. When his bastard half brother, Magnus would impregnate one of the women in Greenstone, Desmond forced him to swear himself to the church and serve at the Temple of the Stream in Godspool, in hopes he would better himself. He sent his second son, Kile Cayn, to be a ward at his brother's castle in Northpass.   Quellion II Ottez would name Lord Desmond his Master of Laws in the year 435 AGW. Leaving Greenstone in the hands of his wife, until her death in 439, where he would retire briefly and name his brother, Meryn, as Lord Castellan of Greenstone. In his time in Alumyth he wrote many important reforms. After Duke Eydreil Færsath declared that his nieces marriage immoral and was without his knowledge. Desmond concluded that "Every lord of a house has a say in their members marriages, but the decision of who a daughter can and cannot marry lies solely with their father." As Lyanna's father had passed, she was not outlawed. Unfortunately this did not dissuade Eydriel. Desmond frequently clashed with the Master of Coins, Bordo Grimpie, and viewed his taxation and ruling methods cruel.   In 443, the Majiki Tiefling Uprising broke out, it costed the lives of many nobles, guilty or innocent. Desmond's eldest son would die in the Battle of Blackbay. Lord Bordo Grimpie offered to have a statue built at Hornsrest of his son in honour of his sacrifice protecting his city. This caused the normally calm Desmond to become furious. He fought with Quellion II and Lord Grimpie about slavery and that it should be abolished to prevent another devastating war. The King would not relent. Desmond retired from his postion two years later in 445, ending his ten years of Master of Laws. He was replaced by Aymar Ullhorn, but he also retired just four months after recieving the position. Quellion was convinced at the Cayns and the Ullhorns were secretly plotting against him.   In 461 there was a tournament held at Greenstone. Kile Cayn would be the champion in the melee, and Alea Ullhorn the joust. Desmond and Selrik announced the two houses would be joined, with Duke Selrik marrying Desmond's youngest daughter, Wylla Cayn. In the evening a revolt would break out. Armed peasants would be seen burning the flag of House Ottez. Desmond would quickly apprehand the peasants, but the threat was clear to the king. Wylla would die of a fever three years later, many believing the king had a hand in her death.   In 467 The Three Days War would break out. Desmond would honour Selrik's wishes to stay out of the war, but his son Kile Cayn, along with Brannor Harlon and Amory of the Vern and some odd 100 soliders would join the royals side. When the war was finished, neither Desmond of Duke Selrik would swear fealty to King Viel I Ottez.


Merilla Cayn


Towards Desmond Cayn


Desmond Cayn


Towards Merilla Cayn


Merilla Cayn (Spouse)
A portrait of Desmond Cayn in his prime.


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