House Cayn of Greenstone

House Cayn of Greenstone is a noble house of Majik sworn to House Ullhorn of Ullgred's Keep. They are responsible for the training of the military for House Ullhorn. House Cayn is known as one of the most loyal and powerful of the Ullhorn Vassals. They have one vassal, the Crakehalls.   The head of House Cayn is Lord Desmond Cayn, an ancient man of seventy-seven. His heir is Ser Kile Cayn. Their coat of arms is three grey emeralds on green, bordered by grey. Their house motto is We Have Been.   House Cayn has been training soldiers for House Ullhorn and the crown for hundreds of years. They are a friendly, but competive, rival of House Blackhold of Blackhold. House Cayn claims that they breed and train the finest warriors Majik has ever seen. A common saying by House Cayn is that, when their members are born instead of reaching for their mother's teat, they reach for an axe.  


  Members and descendants of House Cayn can be recognized by their prominent and sharp noses.   The Cayns are a diverse house, marrying into different races. Some members have extended lifespans of elvish blood, some have green skin and tusks from orcs  


  House Cayn's founder was from the Human Kingdom's and believed to be Nordic or Trosh, and they have carried over traditions from their homeland and brought them into Majik.   It is not uncommon for members of House Cayn to wear kilts of green and grey, or yellow for their overlords. Members of House Cayn often have a distaste for plate armour. They prefer to wear chainmail, ringmail, leather or fur armour. All members of House Cayn carry an axe.   When members of House Cayn die they are buried in catacombs beneath Greenstone. They are dressed in brass ringmail, a white fur cloak, and are given their helmet and their axe, aswell as buried with important or valuable posessions. Before they are sealed up they also sacrifice a horse and bury it with the deceased, so that they have a mount to guide them through the afterlife.
Coat of Arms
Three Grey Emeralds on Green bordered by Grey
We Have Been
Desmond Cayn
Kile Cayn
Ancestral Weapon
Cayn's Sword
The Mighty Cayn
21 AGW
Family Leader


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