Kile Cayn

Ser Kile Cayn, known to his men as Greatarm, is a knight from House Cayn of Greenstone. He is the second son, and heir, of Lord Desmond Cayn. He is married to Mara Cayn, and has had four children. He is the Master-at-arms at Greenstone and trains the majority of the levies that go to House Ullhorn or House Ottez of Majik.  

Appearance and Character

  Kile is a hefty and muscular man with long flowing hair and a bushy beard, with piercing blue eyes and a sharp nose. His hair has since gone to grey, but he still remains remarkably handsome. He says that he will live to one hundred because of his mother's elvish blood. He looks like Kurt Russel. He does not care for plate armour, preferring ringmail, leather, and fur. He wears a kilt of green and grey. He carries a two handed axe made out of Moonblessed silversteel. He is a happy man and carries an easy and contagious smile. He is rumoured to have fathered some bastards before his marriage, but he has not acknowledged any.   Kile is a jolly man. He enjoys fighting, but not killing. Kile is carefree and content with where he is. He has a booming laugh that some consider obnoxious. He could not care less on the politics of the realm, and feigns to be a fool so nobody will bother him with it. Kile enjoys jousting and axethrowing, though he is only good at the latter. He claims to aim better whilst he is drunk. Kile enjoys drinking heavily on a variety of things, wine, ale, beer, and rum.   Though some can consider him a drunk or a laughing oaf, Kile is actually an incredibly skilled battle commander, he contributed greatly in the Ullhorn victory at the Battle of Blackbay in the Majiki Tiefling Uprising. Combined with his strength and skill, despite his age, he makes an impressive warrior. He can be serious and intimidating when the situation calls for it.   Much to Kile's distate, for tournaments he wears plate armour made of moonsteel with white furs placed on the shoudlers. His lance is made out of dark wood, and his shield displays the coat of arms of House Cayn and House Luun quartered.  


  Kile Cayn was born in 430 AGW as the second son of Lord Desmond Cayn. He was sent as a ward to his uncle, Meryn Cayn, at the castle of Northpass. He met his good friend, Brannor Harlon, at Northpass as a fellow ward. He was well known for his promiscuity and rambunctiosness as a ward. He would sneak food out of the kitchens, let the hounds and hogs loose in the castle and pay the guards to allow him to bring women in and out of court. Meryn would not whip Kile, unlike his own children, because he was his brother's son. On one occasion, Kile would slip laxatives into the wine of the nobles attending Northpass for an important military meeting. Meryn's wife, Marget Ullhorn, attempted to throw Kile out of a window. At sixteen Kile was sent back home after Meryn claimed that he got his daughter, Carol Cayn, pregnant, though Kile denies it.   As he grew older, Kile's pranks slowed down, but his drinking and bawdiness became louder. He would win his first melee at 17 during a tournament at Seacall. While in the tournament, he would start his own small arm wrestling tourny he would be defeated by Moro Aluemera, but he put up a descent fight.   He would fight in the The Majiki Tiefling Uprising at the Battle of Blackbay at the age of 18. He would fight in a shield wall, and he killed his first two men. One he split open his helmet with his axe, the other he nearly decapitated. When Duke Selrik's forces chased after the fleeing Tieflings, Kile returned to Greenstone with his fallen brother, Desmond Cayn, and buried him within the catacombs. He gave his Desmond's elegant sword to his younger brother, Merrick.   He met Mara Luun at a tavern in Haemirtown when he was 25. They engaged in a drinking competition that ended the night in a town-wide brawl. The two continued to see eachother, each time causing a ruckus, until love bloomed. Because of their connection, and the fact it was a good political match, Lord Desmond Cayn allowed his son to marry Mara. At the wedding there was mead flowing, axe throwing, and horse racing at Greenstone for an entire fortnight. They ended up having four children, three would make it to adulthood.   Kile would fight in The Three Days War when he heard of his brothers defeat in The Northman's Betrayal, despite Duke Selrik Ullhorn wishes of the Ullhorn forces stay out of the war. He took Lord Brannor Harlon and Ser Amory of the Vern with him to fight. He fought on the main front of the The Day of Red Grass. He carried his injured cousin, Amory, on his back when they retreated after the loss. He felt guilty when he heard of Merrick's family perishing at the hand of Thrain Stormsword.   He has a heavy distrust of Nords after the war, and is believed to have led some raiding parties in the land's controlled by Lord Frode the Stranger after the war was finished. He has continued to push Duke Selrik and other nobles of Majik to take up arms against the nordic foothold.


Kile Cayn

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Mara Cayn



Mara Cayn

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Kile Cayn



Mara Cayn (Spouse)
Carol Cayn (rumoured)
Personal Arms
Luun and Cayn quartered


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