The Day of Red Stone

The Day of Red Stone was the final battle of The Three Days War. Careem's forces found their way into the city of Alumyth and sacked the capital of Majik.  


  The Day of Red Stone resulted in a victory for Careem. Lord Aerentis was injured by Careem Stormsword. Lord Draven of Blackhold was imprisoned by Lord Frode the Stranger.   Careem chased the fleeing army, and stood outside the city gates for days screaming for Merrick, Viell, and Aerentis until his army had caught up and retrieved him. Bjorn devised a plan where their forces would find their way through the old dwarven ruins and the sewers of Majik and come up and take the city, the same way they did during The Day of Red Snow.   Aerentis awoke from his coma. He had the remaining garrison constantly monitor the city and walls. He attempted to keep King Viell locked away in his chambers but the young king insisting on fighting. Aerentis then sent a detachment led by Merrick Cayn into the dwarven ruins as he was aware that is how the Nords entered the city before. Aerentis' daughter, the Queen Risa , implored her father to not kill Careem Stormsword, and tried to convince him to surrender. Aerentis reminded his daughter that a surrender would end in the death of the King, her husband.  


Careem's forces found their way through the ruins and the sewers. They were nearly through when they were caught by Merrick Cayn. Bjorn and some of Careem's men attempted to hold off Merrick and his soldiers while Careem and the rest of his army made his way up through the sewers. Bjorn was killed by Merrick, but most of Careem's forces made their way into the city. They began pillaging and raiding Alumyth cutting down any guards they saw.    With his wife, his son, and two brothers dead, Careem marched up to the castle with an unquenchable fury. Instead of meeting an army at the palace gates he was met by the Queen Risa Gaolyth. She pleaded and begged for Careem to spare the king and her father. Careem split her in half with his hammer. Her body was tossed into the sea. Him and his men broke their way into the palace, slaying anybody that stood in their way. The valiant knights of Viell's kingsguard were crushed under Careem's fury. Viell went up to challenge Careem, pointing his new gilded blade at him. Careem broke it with one swing of his hammer, the next caved in Viell's chest, sending him to the ground. Careem demanded Viell admit to the murder of his own father, and he did. The third swing shattered Viell's arm and tore it from his body.   The fourth swing of the hammer would have crushed the skull of Viell. It is not known what was said in the Palace, but Aerentis, still broken and hobbled, managed to convince Careem to let Viell go. Careem left the palace, and the city. His men returned to the south of Majik. Aerentis looked for the body of his daughter, but could not find it. The King was in a coma, unsure if he would wake, Aerentis assumed control of Majik.  


  Aerentis met with Andor Twice-Maimed and gave the southern part of Majik to the northmen, including Lord Frode's territory. He bought the freedom of Lord Draven and Draven's son.   Careem built a small manor and retired there.   Aerentis returned to Majik and fired the majority of the Royal Council. He assumed the title of Master of the Council and ruled over Majik until Viell awoke come the spring of the new year.
The Three Days War
Victory for Careem's forces
Queen Risa killed by Careem
King Viell's admission to his murder


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