Mordred's Gallery
Mordred's Gallery is an entire floor of The Gleaming Spire dedicated to containing relics of power, and displaying trophies of Mordred's conquests.
Before the destruction of Jada, the City of Glass, Mordred's Gallery contained numerous relics of historical and magical value.
But when the city was invaded, much of the visible value was taken as trophies of war, and most of the Gallery was emptied. Anything not taken during the looting was buried under rubble after the collapse of the Gleaming Spire.
Some items contained within the spire include:
- Book of the Bleeding Night
- Castor's Eye
- Crown of Wisdom
- Gilded Egg
- Malignant Mask
- Ring of Remorse
- The Key of Balav
- The remnants of the Scepter of Power
- An Unmaker Sword and a suit of Unmaker Armor