Academia in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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For the first time ever, the Arcane Academy has opened its doors to those not of Yerentilian descent. The Alliance has reformed the laws that would protect this school's prejudicial rules of acceptance, and all is well. Surely nothing could go wrong, even if a demon is trapped within the arcane core built into the mountain beneath the structure.   Have a happy school year!


First year students at the Arcane Academy accidentally awaken a demonic entity, and became trapped in a killing game orchestrated by the demon lord Graz'zt in his realm of Azzagrat. The undercover warlock of Cthulhu known as Caroline helped the group escape the killing game, and plunged her Blade of the Deep One into the demon, taking his realm from him in the name of her patron.   The students then had to transfer to the bard's college, in Vorana. There they thwarted a conspiracy between two rival cults, the Sun Cult and the Moon Cult, the former trying to take over the town of Mightknight and the Church of Seiddit. These cults were the precursors to Eclipse.

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