Belloth Íra Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Belloth Íra

Belloth Íra

Belloth was an Anthorian soldier who participated in the War of Hope and Despair, and perished in the Liberation of the Free Peach.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

War had been Íra's life for as long as she cared to remember. Belloth's parents were mercenaries who settled down to have her and then settled fully as they were too old to fight anymore. Belloth was a handful but her parents instilled the traditions of fighting into their daughter and she always took every opportunity to take up adventures. She trained as a youth, studied the use of weapons and armour, learned basic survival techniques, including how to stay alive on the battlefield.   In her mid-thirties, she fell in love with and married the daughter of a blacksmith that she met while travelling. They moved back to Anthor together, and while she decided she did not want to adventure anymore, she felt it was important to uphold the family's fighting tradition so she joined the Anthorian army. Several years later she participated in the Liberation of the Free Peach.
Year of Birth
7965 45 Years old
Other Affiliations

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Character Portrait image: by baydews


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