Blood Hunter Marked Condition in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Blood Hunter Marked

Those who are blessed (or cursed) by a blood hunter marking often become a Blood Hunter. Often feared or misunderstood, and driven by an unending drive to destroy the wicked, blood hunters are clever, arcane warriors who have bound their essence to the dark creatures they hunt to better stalk and survive their prey. Armed with the rites of forbidden blood magic and a willingness to sacrifice their own vitality and humanity for the cause, they protect the realms from the shadows, ever vigilant to avoid becoming the same monsters they choose to hunt.  

Blessings or Curses?

Blood hunter markings are almost guaranteed at birth, however, they can also be acquired by a blessing or curse from a hag, witch, or blood mage. Blood hunter markings typically appear on the bodies of those born on the night of a Blood Moon, an example of which being Anastra Arunsun, daughter of Laeral Silverhand and Khelben Arunsun.  


The marking itself appears in a random spot on the body of the afflicted. The afflicted then is able to take on supernatural mutated abilities, giving them access to blood curses and maledicts, and those who are cursed can use their powers to hunt monsters.  


The curse can be lifted by an archmage, though the arcane science is not exact and the procedures for manually reverting a blood curse such as this can backfire, causing death or corruption of the afflicted's soul.  

Notable Afflicted

Notable afflicted of blood hunter markings include the following.  

Desdemona van Helsing

Desdemona, a well-known adventurer and monster hunter, went out of her way to become a blood hunter, to take her revenge on the vampire clan who killed her family. Her mark is just above her naval. She is a member of the Order of the Ghostslayer and a newer member of Ace Ventura.  

Rowan Miller

Rowan is a young man whose parents, Echo and Finn Miller, were blood hunters before him. His blood hunter mark is on the back of his left thigh. He is a member of the Order of the Mutant, and carries a relic of Hades.  

Shirley Charmain Iga

Shirley took her curse in an effort to save one of her siblings from certain death. She became a member of the Harpers, at the time known as the Moonlight Brigade, and took part in the Battle for Hero's Point . She is a good friend of Arilyn Moonblade and is a member of the Order of the Mutant.  

Kosvir Crescent

While originally a rogue, upon reincarnation, Kosvir was given a new body by Lilith and with it came a blood curse. Kosvir was a member of the Order of the Profane Soul before he passed.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Affected Species

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