Rowan Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Rowan Miller

Rowan is a changeling blood hunter who lived in Miller Lodge in the Glacies Mountains, before moving to the Free Peach City.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rowan is the biological son of the changeling Echo and the adopted son of the human Finn. His parents are both blood hunters, too. Echo's blood hunter parents were ashamed of her for being with a human, so she left with Finn and Rowan to live in a lodge together in the Glacies Mountains.   When he was 16, his parents brought him to Free Peach City to a Blood Hunter Candlenights celebration. The Mullens, family friends of the Millers, allowed Rowan and his parents to stay the week at Mullen House. It was there that Rowan met Nate.   It was after a pub crawl one night that ended in Rowan face first in a pile of dung that Nate brought Rowan home, washed him, and tucked him into bed. Both heavily intoxicated, they shared a few kisses that quickly turned into more. Every night since then, Rowan didn't bother with the spare bed that had been laid out for him, instead choosing to share Nate's.   In the winter of 8007, Echo and Finn left Rowan alone, and Rowan has not seen them since. He met Cal'li and encountered the Unchained and helped try to hold his own against Pack Giantfang. Soon after, Rowan found himself in the employ of Alec von Stein when Nicolai had been kidnapped by Eclipse, on which adventure he helped fight a dragon. On this excursion he also got his pet mutated cat, Storm.   After turning 18 in January of 8008, Rowan understood his parents weren't coming back and decided he would have to start trying to fend for himself. He started working a day job for the Dungsweepers' Guild in the nearby Firbolg town of Pumpkin Patch.   He started truly making money when he was hired again by Alec von Stein to escort Holly down through the Abyss to find Caroline. Along the way, in the layer known as the Hades Simulacrum, he found the Mask of Hades, allowing him and the others to navigate the Rivers of Styx.   After that adventure, Rowan sold Miller Lodge in order to rent an apartment in the Free Peach City. There, he reconnected with Nate, and was able to work his job with the guild as well as make money with adventuring as a side hustle.  

Tyranny of Dragons

During the Siege of the Free Peach, Rowan was one of the first responders as well as guild members of Ace Ventura.




Towards Rowan




Towards Nate


Current Location
Date of Birth
5th of January
Year of Birth
7990 20 Years old
One blue, one bloodshot
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Paper white
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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