House von Stein Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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House von Stein

House von Stein was a notable clan of vampires that started to grow in Bleakthorne in the 65th century.  

Bleakthorne Clan

The Bleakthorne Clan is the branch of the clan of vampires under the von Stein name that eventually extended their reach into the cult Eclipse after the death of cult personality Elias. During the lifespan of the house, it made many enemies within the town of Bleakthorne, and across the many realms, including that of the mayor of Bleakthorne and spelljammer piloting maniacs like Ironbeard. This branch dates back to Moira von Stein's son Acheron.  

Moira von Stein (6489-Unknown)

Moira von Stein founded the clan in Bleakthorne, however she dropped off the grid prior to the divine ascension of Talos. Rumours have it that she became a lich of great power.  

Acheron von Stein (6541-Unknown)

Son of Moira, Acheron is the earliest member in the branch of the clan that stayed in Bleakthorne. He married a woman named Calantha.  

Elias von Stein (7931-8002)

Elias von Stein was Alucard's older brother, father of Carmilla and uncle to Nicolai and Edouard. Elias was the first known Mister E. in the family.  

Aurelia Lockhart von Stein (7935-7991)

Aurelia was the mother of Nicolai von Stein. She was one of the victims of the Tragedy in Bleakthorne.  

Alucard von Stein (7931-7991)

Alucard was the father of Nicolai von Stein. He was one of the victims of the Tragedy in Bleakthorne.  

Aylesworth von Stein (7937-Present)

Aylesworth was Alucard's younger brother and uncle to Nicolai and Carmilla.  

Carmilla von Stein (7977-8002)

Carmilla was the daughter of Elias and the cousin of Nicolai and Edouard.  

Nicolai Lockhart von Stein (7983-8008)

Nicolai was the son of Aurelia and Alucard, and brother of Roselia. He also adopted Holly von Stein.  

Roselia von Stein (7975-7991)

Roselia was the sister of Nicolai and daughter of Aurelia and Alucard. She was one of the victims of the Tragedy in Bleakthorne.  

Edouard von Stein (7982-8008)

Edouard was the son of Aylesworth and the cousin to Nicolai and Carmilla. He was also the second Mister E. and leader of Eclipse before his demise.  


Maria was the loyal maid to House von Stein. Her soul found its way to an oceanic realm where she became a water elemental.  

Ray Nara von Stein

Ray was a solar sorcerer and the wife of Edouard before he turned to darkness and murdered her for digging too deep into Eclipse.  

Holly von Stein

Holly is the adopted daughter of Nicolai and is currently the only heir to the von Stein legacy, however it is unknown if she can return from the control of Cthulhu or not. After accepting a boon from the eldritch god, she was also abducted by the Dark Powers into a killing game called the Eternal Gamble, along with good friends Koko and Katrielle.
Dissolution Date
Geopolitical, Great house
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