Coopers' Guild Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Coopers' Guild

The Coopers' Guild of Terra Caelum is an organisation of keg, cask, and barrel-makers that sell their wares throughout the west.   Their livery consists of brown caps with similarly coloured cloaks, with blue hems and green trim.   Members of the guild are kept quite busy as many industries require barrels for the shipment of their products. They cut, steam, and shape wooden planks and bind them with welded hoopstock provided by the Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalworkers.   As smugglers of the Sword Coast and the Western Plains know, one of the easiest ways to move illicit products into the cities of Terra Caelum is by barrel. As a result, the City Watch has established the practice of inspecting random casks and kegs that come through city gates. They are conscientious enough to pay the guild a 3-sp "re-sealing fee" for each of their products they pry open.   Smuggling among guild coopers is rather commonplace. Members can expect to make upwards of 75 gp for every barrel of contraband they successfully slip past the inspection of the city's guard.
Guild, Craftsmen
Controlled Territories

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