Council of Sparkling Stones Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Council of Sparkling Stones

The Council of Sparkling Stones is an elected council in Mirabar. Members swear an oath of loyalty to Mirabar and its marchion. It meets each autumn to plan the year ahead and organise trade agreements.   The Council's meeting usually lasts over four days. There is an informal discussion, then a chance for short, formal speeches, then a secret ballot to decide upon what has been discussed. The marchion then travels to Salzenstadt City to personally bring the news and to negotiate trade, acquiring deals for luxuries not available in Mirabar.  


Agrathan Hardhammer

Agrathan Hardhammer is a dwarven councilor of Mirabar and is also one of the only dwarven members of the Council of Sparkling Stones, as well as a cleric of Talos. He has soft features for a dwarf, and a long white beard. As the highest-ranking dwarf in Mirabar among the humans, he is also the voice of the dwarven population not only to the council but to the Marchion as well. He wears robes. He worked in the mines some time previous to taking up the priesthood.  

Dunstun Forgebar

Dunstun Forgebar is a dwarf cleric of Halena.  

Shadrar Thundersar

Shadrar Thundersar is a human fighter.  

Heldorn Thaerntyl

Heldorn "Goldsun" Thaerntyl is a human fighter, wizard and rogue. The adventurer gained his nickname because he has long curly blond hair, and he used two sun blades in combat.  

Elyth Talboskh

Elyth Talboskh is a human merchant of the Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalworkers.  

Pheln Aldtorth

Pheln Aldtorth is a human merchant of the Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild.  

Maern Hammaver

Maern Hammaver is a prominent member of the Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths.
Geopolitical, City council
Controlled Territories

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