Dyrvirad the Glimmering Guardian Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Dyrvirad the Glimmering Guardian


Dyrvirad is an ancient ruby dragon who was tasked by other gem dragons to protect the Blue Dragon Mask. However, after both the Zhentarim and the Cult of the Dragon stole the mask from him and his lair in the Ruby Pass, he failed his quest. Eoifira and her Feet of Maple informed him where the Cult of the Dragon had taken the mask, however when Dyrvirad arrived at the cultists' headquarters, the great blue wyrm Iymrith rushed to defend it against him, and struck him down, killing the ruby dragon.
1902 8009 9911 years old
Ruby red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black underneath ruby scales

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