Feet of Maple Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Feet of Maple

The Feet of Maple are an elite subdivision of Zhentarim led by Eoifira Maplefoot.   The group extends from as far south down the Rubygold Mountains in the Klauthen Vale and Harrowcrest to as far north as the Druarwood and Phandalin all the way to the streets of Ballay. This gang has close ties with the Redbrands and used to have its headquarters at the Redbrand Hideout, however it now has its headquarters in an undisclosed location in the Druarwood area northwest of Funland.  


The highest-ranking members of the Feet of Maple are Eoifira Maplefoot and Kassimir. Both are currently at the Viper rank within the Zhentarim. New recruits, however, include Petey and Thimdul, adventurers from Phandalin who had just helped solve the curse of Shemshime's Bedtime Rhyme.
Founding Date
Illicit, Gang
Leader Title
Parent Organization

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