House Goldhall Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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House Goldhall

House Goldhall was a family of celestial deva descent whose origins come from Elturel.  

Nathaniel and Avia Goldhall

Nathaniel and Avia Goldhall were the parents of the family. Their exact dates of birth are unknown, though it is known that they must have been at least 40 years old in 7354. The two were devas, which accounts for their extremely long lifespan. They only died in 7996, 10 years after their youngest child Aya was born.  

Crowil Goldhall (7973-Present)

Crowil is the oldest of the family, the first son.  

Zolta Goldhall (7977-Present)

Zolta is the second child and the first daughter.  

Vashya and Ezaris (7980-Present)

Vashya and Ezaris are twins. They work together as hunter and tracker.  

Cordan/Connie (7982-Present)

The lost child.  

Aya (7986-Present)

Aya is the youngest of the Goldhall family, and the only one to have rejected the Goldhall name. She lives with a parasite that is an aspect of Tharizdun, which presumedly wants to corrupt her Hellrider blood to fight in the Blood War against Zariel and Avernus.

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