Koko Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Shadow King Koko Pops von Zarovich I

Koko is a vampire who clawed his way from the bottom of the foodchain in the Ordayn Crime Syndicate to becoming the ruler of the Shadowed Vale.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Koko has the blood of a pureblood vampire, giving him access to abilities such as being able to create nulls, turn people to vampirism, and turn into mist.

Apparel & Accessories

Koko dresses very eccentrically, typically being the centre of attention wherever he goes. He carries on him a gold muzzle, and a Grinning Mask of the Serpent.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Koko was a young human when Lord Ordayn sired him and their blood fused, turning Koko into a pureblood vampire. Koko then met with a tragic fate, dying horribly after a drunken night out with his fellow criminals. The old god Hades found him, dead in an alleyway, and feeling pity and remorse for seeing someone die so young, resurrected him. Koko then awoke with the powers of a cleric. Until his trip to Old Barovia, Koko was under the impression he was blessed by the god Zonir, as Hades had proceeded to impersonate the divine.   Koko was arrested by the Bronzemere City Watch after trying to smuggle illegal goods to the west, for the plague doctor Gemini. Released on parole with their parole officer Aurora Pyre, They all started travelling together as one. Slowly, they became closer, and they founded Ace Ventura together. When they got tangled up with Eclipse, the group got closer still and bonded even more, almost becoming family.   When in Barovia, Koko finally started to crack up a little. Being thrust with the idea that he had been worshipping a deceptive god, and his trust in people being betrayed over and over, Koko became a slightly vengeful individual, though after his escape he managed to control himself a lot more. He always had a slight infatuation with Count Strahd von Zarovich, and when asked to rule in his stead at Castle Ravenloft by Kella, he really couldn't say no.    Now, he rules justly as the Shadow King.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Shadow King, Devil in the East, Champion of Hades
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
24th of July
Year of Birth
7987 23 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Extremely pale when not self tanned
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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