Klauthen Vale Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Klauthen Vale

Klauthen Vale is a large valley that extends from the Rubygold Mountains to parts of the Shadowed Vale. Thanks to ancient and powerful magic, the lake at the mouth of the valley is warm throughout the year—an oasis in the cold, cold east. Roaming this expanse are hundreds of sheep, goats, and cattle plucked from other regions of the east by the vale's dread overlord, the red wyrm Klauth. Within the valley itself, there are the crushed or charred bones of powerful adventurers and entire orc hordes that dared to enter the valley.   The lake has given rise to a lovely hot spring resort called Dragonrest Hot Spring that overlooks it along the west side of the valley. The region itself contains a part of the Svalich Woods and holds the ruins of Krezk. The only inhabited settlements are Harrowcrest and Shadowtop Cathedral.   "Old Snarl," as Klauth is also known, likes to lie on a ledge high on one of the valley walls and survey his domain, descending occasionally to snatch up an animal or intruder. The walls around the valley contain numerous caves, two of them large enough for Klauth to shelter in. He keeps his legendary hoard in tunnels beneath one cavern, which can be entered only by lifting or pushing aside a massive slab of stone—a task impossible for anyone not as large and strong as an ancient dragon.   The region is relatively peaceful nowadays, as long as one does not disturb the wyrm’s stash of livestock nor approach his lair.


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