Knighthood Rank/Title in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The title of "Ser" is given to anyone awarded knighthood by a member of a royal family or a president. Knighthood can be awarded for military service or to anyone deemed a significant contributor to national life. Members of the clergy and foreign citizens who are awarded knighthood cannot use the title of "Ser."   In order to be granted knighthood, one must be dubbed as such by a ruler. The dubbing occurs during a ceremony, conducted publicly or in private, where the ruler awards knighthood using a sword and by presenting insignia of knighthood. When a clergy member is awarded knighthood, a sword is not used because it is not considered appropriate to the station of the clergy.   Knighthood can be granted to a woman, who can either take on the title of "Ser" or take a damehood instead, and became a dame.

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