Ser Thorin the Protector Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Ser Thorin the Protector

Ser Thorin

Ser Thorin is a dwarf paladin who is a member of the Crownsguard.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In January of 8009, Ser Thorin, Ser Thorren Hammerstone, Cal'li, Strongjaw and Blaze were hired by the Council of Sparkling Stones and the Axe of Mirabar to put an end to the attacks on Mirabar orchestrated by the stone giants in Deadstone Cleft.   They infiltrated the canyon, putting down all the stone giants that crossed their paths. Ser Thorin was briefly petrified in gorgon mud, however, the might of the dwarf god Talos was invoked by Cal'li to free him.   Progressing through the cleft, they eventually faced Thane Kayalithica, and by means of Suggestion, convinced her to take cards from Diamond's Blue Deck. The cards invoked were Flames, Skull, and Fool, and an avatar of death and an archfiend teamed up to take down Kayalithica.   The amount of magic used to summon both entities caused the canyon to begin to collapse. As they tried to escape down the stream in the centre of the canyon, Thorin and Thorren got trapped in a small cavern. Within the cavern, they met drowned maidens who told the paladins that they had been left here to drown by the High Axe of Mirabar, who had gotten rid of them once he was 'bored'.   The party returned to Mirabar, claimed the reward, before getting the Axe of Mirabar to arrest the man. They got him to admit to his crime by means of Zone of Truth. After leaving, they rested in Cal'li's wagon, and Thorren could have sworn he saw the figures of the drowned maidens in a nearby river, saluting as a means of giving their thanks.
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
7985 25 Years old
Current Residence
Castle Waterdeep
Slicked back
Aligned Organization
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