Malcerion and Pecta Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Malcerion and Pecta

Malcerion and Pecta are two low rank adventurers of Ace Ventura. They live in Breantis together and helped set up the Outreach post in Basindenn, hiring Caomhán the Self-Made Gemini Jayden Jasper and Lir to clear out the dungeons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Malcerion grew up in a humble little fishing town helping his mother at her apothecary. He was always so musically inclined, singing old Elvish songs with his mother and enjoying her company. At the age of 10, he got his very first lute from a travelling band of circusfolk. Since he got it, he practically played it any chance he had. He played in the apothecary, out on the docks, or even walking down the street. The whole town was forever filled with beautiful music.   Awoken in a Gnomish workshop hidden deep within the forest, Pecta found himself alone with no purpose; gifted with a soul and an innate spellcasting ability. He has the body of an original automaton, that was enhanced for gardening and druidic capabilities.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

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