Manor van Helsing Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Manor van Helsing

Manor van Helsing is a manor that sits atop cliffs in the Uthgardt Wastes. It overlooks the ruins of Sarastobin, once known as Slaver's Bay. The manor has once-impressive gardens that were ruined when Lysa Balor and Eclipse raided the building searching for Ace Ventura.   Desdemona purchased the manor after her meeting with Nicolai and furnished it, living there with Gruïn and Fliu Fliu.    Since the raid, Desdemona has not yet returned to reclaim it, as she currently wanders the Plane of Half-Shadows.


  • Manor van Helsing 1
  • Manor van Helsing 2
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location

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