Nightstone Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Nightstone is a fortified settlement located near what once was the Ardeep Forest, in the hills near the border of Salzenstadt and the Shadowed Vale. It is connected to the High Road via a side trail, which eventually connects to Salzenstadt City.   Nightstone is located a few miles south of the remains of Ardeep Forest. It is built on the Ardeep River and consists of a fenced island connected to an artificial motte that holds the village's keep. Its name derives from a mysterious obsidian obelisk in the centre of the village that has strange glyphs carved into it and emanates a magic aura.   Over the years, the villagers of Nightstone have had bad relationships with the exiled wood elves who inhabit the Ardeep Forest due to Lord Drezlin Nandar's hunting. This eventually culminated in an attack on the village, wherein Lord Drezlin and half of the villagers died. His widow, Velrosa Nandar, negotiated peace with the wood elves and has spent years maintaining that peace.


The town is mostly comprised of hill dwarves, with some tiefling and elven refugees living within the town boundaries. There is one family of halflings living there, the Summerhawk family, who all work in the local apothecary.


  • Nightstone
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