Nova Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Nova Valentine

Nova was a Yerentilian Echo Knight who lived on the brder between the Wild Woods and the Highfields and was drafted into the Wild Woods military shortly before the formation of the Alliance. They died in the Liberation of the Free Peach.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nova was originally from a village in the area near the town of Cinderburgh. When the Summer War broke out against the Dragon Kingdom around 7999 East Coast Raiders destroyed their village, and the family moved to Treetop. They were basically forced to give up their passion as a ranger and become a soldier for the Lion Army of the Reynolds Kingdom. After the Summer War, they joined the Wild Woods army to fight in the War of Hope and Despair. They essentially were involved in a war they wanted no part in because they would just have rathered live in the woods and vibe.   Prior to the Liberation of the Free Peach, they were told by General Zirlavin Ambriel that their immediate family had been killed as collateral damage of the war and that just sent them into grief.   Due to their instability and vulnerability, they got turned to the side of the Greaves Insurgents, either tortured or manipulated into fighting for the remnants of the Yerentil empire and betrayed the Alliance and the identity of the Alliance informant.

Gender Identity

Non-binary (they/them)
7778 8003 225 years old
Other Affiliations
Related Myths

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