Spiritacre Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Spiritacre is a village on the Plymmark Stream east of Millfort and north of Blackfort Tower. Spiritacre is governed by an arcane sorcerer, a female dwarf named Hyra.  

Notable Location

Gyrda's Woodwork

The workshop of a female dwarf woodcarver named Gyrda, known for her staves and wands, favoured by the Astrologers Society.  

The Dragon and Squirrel

A modest commoner's inn, known for its many secret doors and passages.  

The Crossed Swords

A large dwarven inn, built within what was once Amastasia Christina's manor.  

Bake Bake Bake (Absolutely Baked)

A dwarf bakery.  

Notable Citizens


Adof is tall and overweight, with blonde hair and grey eyes. She wears splint mail and wields a club. Adof holds a grudge against elves.  

Gauwis Garre

Gauwis is short and heavyset, with thick auburn hair and amber eyes. He wears leather armour and wields a poisoned long sword and dagger. Gauwis is flamboyant and intimidating.  


Female dwarf, Rimundg has long auburn hair and light grey eyes. She wears modest garments and carries a fine stiletto. Rimundg suffers a deadly allergy to rabbits.  

Edwarde Kemp

Edwarde has blonde hair and green eyes, and a matted moustache. He wears modest garments and a wooden holy symbol. Andrer lost his shadow to a nymph. He is a depressed man whose father died in 8008, and he had Ace Ventura deliver his father's coffin to their burial place in Prisoner's Maze. He has a big fat cat named Mutton. He now works and resides in Hearthand State Asylum.  


Coenburg has matted silver hair and amber eyes, and numerous unusual tattoos. She wears plate mail and wields a spear and shield. Coenburg has an animal companion, a badger named Piersym.  
Location under

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