The Battle for Hero's Point Military Conflict in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Battle for Hero's Point

The Battle for Hero’s Point was the climactic battle between the Harpers and the forces of Defroksanz and his master.   The battle began with the Harpers encountering Marceli Greatwell and Duskthorn Poppy at the Statue of the Titan. While they fought, Storm Silverhand and the The Unchained were fighting off the incoming dragons, trying to minimise the damage done to the village.   After defeating Greatwell and Poppy, the Harpers were told by Storm to head to the Hanging Tower to gain vampire sorceresses' help to help repair the clocktower’s magical anti-dragon wards. Along the way they encountered Rock, who was under the command of Defroksanz once more.   After defeating Rock, the Harpers were already down a few spell slots. Once they approached the Hanging Tower, they also alerted the vampires of their presence.   The Hanging Tower battle was set in a circular room 40 ft. in radius, therefore 80 ft. in diameter. Radia and Lorelei Chachki appeared across from each other at two ends of the room, forcing some Harpers out of Art's protective aura of courage. During the battle, Arielle was killed and the deceitful sorceress Rose Chachki pretended to be happy to help kill her abusive step-relatives. Arilyn Moonblade returned to the party during this fight, showing off the power of her new Primordial Fusionblade. However Arilyn seemed cocky and task-oriented, ignoring how problematic her behaviour was, and Dani Thann and her appeared to be actively hostile to one another, not healing or supporting one another.   After Rose acquired the Wand of Whispers andCal'li took Radia’s runic battleaxe, every character had improved weapons. Rose tried to betray the group but they easily disposed of her.   Storm resurrected Kelin easily using the magic of the Cobalt Temple to give him cybernetic enhancements. He rejoined the party of Harpers, now accompanied by Arvan and Stefan of the Unchained, and headed to the Cobalt Clocktower.   The Cobalt Clocktower is an imposing 60 foot wide, 320-foot tall circular clock tower. It was built with the simplicity and precision of monks with the expertise of artificers and inventors. There are nine main floors to the tower, with the top-level containing a massive bell and the arcane core of the dragonwards. To activate the dragonwards, multiple other cores must be activated simultaneously across the tower, in floors three, four, six, and eight.   Defroksanz had already wrapped himself around the roof of the clocktower and was able to climb or fly down to take potshots at the Harpers if he so desired. His breath weapon attack could reach those at the bottom of the tower while the Harpers were outside.   After a long, continuous battle through the tower, the Harpers defeated Defroksanz. They beat him repeatedly until Storm, who was emotionally fragile after realising she was a weaveghost, used her silver flames to eliminate Defroksanz's soul.   The Harpers repaired the dragonwards, and the Battle for Hero's Point was over.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


  • Hero's Point

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