Thornhold Krakencaller Shrine Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Thornhold Krakencaller Shrine

The Thornhold Krakencaller Shrine is a shrine built by the Margaster family in the early 7000s, to worship and praise and ally themselves with the sahuagin and krakens allegedly living in the Minnegate Ocean. They would sacrifice merfolk at the shrine in worship of the mighty kraken. After Thornhold was set to ruins in the Summer War, the Margaster family went into hiding, until recent years where they are trying to reawaken the kraken they once worshipped.   When the Ordning was shattered and the giants began to attack the east of Terra Caelum, the Margaster family found themselves as part of the slow emerging Kraken Society and decided now was the time to strike the Stoneshaft clan and take Thornhold back.


  • Krakencaller Shrine
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