Tomb of Annihilation Myth in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Tomb of Annihilation

Something evil is trapping the souls of the dead and draining life from all who have been raised from death by magic. This worldwide "death curse" not only prevents the raising of the dead but also causes creatures that were previously raised from the dead to wither and die. The source of this death curse lies in a trap-riddled tomb hidden beneath a lost city in the depths of a vast jungle.  


Gathered in Elrevien Mansion, seven adventurers were hired by High Mage of Anthor Laeral Silverhand and Ser Lancaster. The initial group of adventurers were Trixie Mattealeaf, Belladonna Elise Mayflower, Twiggy Balder Fizzybottoms, Tahlulah, Atula Flurris and Caleb Parker, however more joined later on in the adventure. They were hired by Laeral to try and stop the death curse by destroying a necromantic artefact known as the Soulmonger. The Soulmonger was located on the island Azura, so Laeral cast Teleport and brought all of them there.  

Dino Racers

After helping a man escape execution, the adventurers participated in a dino race, with Atula winning the race on a tricerotops. She then proceeded to buy a runty baby dinosaur off of the black market in the docks ward and named her Maggie. The adventurers then went to purchase supplies for their trip into the jungles, with their first stop being Fort Beluarian where they would pick up a jungle guide. Before that, however, as they were purchasing bug spray, they were approached by a man who had bought an absurd amount of dancing monkey fruit off of the black market and needed help. He wanted to adventurers to vouch for him in front of a merchant prince, which the party reluctantly did. The party was also approached by a Zhentarim agent who turned out to be the man who had sold them the baby dino. He asked the party to kill Shago, a member of the Flaming Fist in Fort Beluarian. Finally, they were approached by a woman called Xandala Cimber, who was trying to find her father Artus Cimber.
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